shadows, shimmers, colors in the corner of ones eyes whilst being submerged in books and sunshine for de Volkskrant – newspaper
‘Together we’re a wave’, for Natuurmonumenten Nederland. People taking environmental matters into their own hands, working together, creating waves.
Summer vacation tips (where to go, what to do), collage
For Volkskrant Magazine, first of 3 embroidered illustrations. Accompanying an essay, written by Merel Kamp, about how hard it is to ask for help when we’ve been raised to -and society demands us to- be independant.
For Iamsterdam, magazine Uit krant, Amsterdam, summer 2024
For Museum van de Geest (Museum of the Mind) Haarlem, in collaboration with Nederlands Letterenfonds/ Dutch Foundation for Literature
Marc ter Horst – Rugzwemmen. A young adult novel about climate change.
Ongoing series for FD Persoonlijk. (‘Frivolous’ gamay grape/ sugar in hearthy dishes/ hillside wines)
Cover Volkskrant Magazine december 2023 (made with wool + punch needle)
The biggest food revolution. Proudly illustrating for the Butcher of the Future. Ongoing series of illustrations for the brand book, packaging, website and apps, as well as (birthday and holiday) cards.
For Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant (literary supplement), about the increase of books about mountains. (and their specific cover images).
Series of handmade type for an editorial client. With a new (given) set of colors and some characteristics for each month of the year. Here’s a selection: embroidered, sewn, needlepunched, stamped, made out of books, blocks, fruit and some seasonal collages.
For de Volkskrant’s book section. About ‘Giù la piazza non c’e nessuno’, by Dolores Prato, now translated + available in Dutch. The book lacks chapters and plot, it is more a caleidoscopic shifting of scenes and objects. I am very happy art director Io Cooman went for my wild and associative image.
Embroidered the cover and several postcards for the latest issue of Flows book for paper lovers (#9). Also made various patterns and did a lot of handlettering on a calendar, wrapping paper and posters.
Illustration in Volkskrant Magazine for a moving story about cleaning up the (family) house after the last parent has deceased.
An image made for a crossmedia collaboration between Museum van de Geest (Museum of the Mind, based in Haarlem) and the Dutch Association of mental Health Care (GGZ) about taking care of the soul, during the pandemic.
For DPG Media
For DGP Media I made a series of letters, built out of bricks, twine and paper. The G stands for growth. Art directed by RAZA graphic design.
Each issue of Flow magazine featured a spread about a philosopher, written by Caroline Buijs and illustrated by me. The pages were also translated for + published in the French and international issues of Flow magazine. (This is the left page about Cicero in French)
Pears changing color when you poach them – a how to for Elle eten.
Book cover and interior illustrations + lay out design. ‘Lazy’ referring not so much to slacking – but to an environmentally friendlier way of gardening. Unieboek/Spectrum
The Dutch expression ‘to (not) see the trees through the forest’ was the inspiration for this image for de Volkskrants book pages.
Corona: extra kilogrammes and sloppy clothes. Illustration made for Saar magazine
Book cover for Marleen Nelen/Querido. An outstanding (ya) book about two brothers and their trapeze act, set against Mussolini’s uprise. It won a prestigious Flemish book award in 2021: the Lavki prize, and was shortlisted for de Kleine Cervantes.
Honored to have been given the cover of the Buchmesse special in Frankfurter Allegemeine. Folded two books of 400+ pages each… Photography by Aad Hoogendoorn, as always. Art directed by lovely Nina Hewelt.
Cover and (inside) illustrations to accompany Hans Hagens beautiful poems for young adults.
Book cover. (front and back – embroidery mirrored over spine)
Cover image for Volkskrant magazine about #theperfectbeachbody. (idea+props by me, photography Aad Hoogendoorn, model Hedwig H.)
Book cover illustration for a poetry anthology about the joy, magic and numerous possibilities of language. Type by Steef Liefting.
Illustration made with a punchneedle, a ‘yogamat’ accompanying a survey about #MeToo in the yoga world, for (Dutch) Yoga Magazine
For B – a Dutch magazine on breastcancer. ‘The various techniques used by specialists for detection’.
A box containing 29 fabrics was delivered on my doorstep. Christian Lacroix, Kvadrat. Wonderful textures, shimmer, depth. I made 8 pages of associative collages with them for Elle decoration #2/february/march 2017.
A series of book covers for Querido – celebrating 100 years of outstanding literature.
For the Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs/magazine
2016 was a year of tiny pleasures, at least on the calendar it was.
Thirteen book covers for the famous Dutch Young Adult series ‘How to survive’/Hoe overleef ik’, by author Francine Oomen. Papercut illustrations. (some spines interact with neighbouring spines).
Ink jar for Flow magazine.
The translation of this book title would be something like ‘The miracle that doesn’t tumble down’. I made the cover image with photographer Aad Hoogendoorn. It took a lot of testing and many different objects tumbling down before we were able to take the picture. It’s an actual tower, not a photoshopped one!
For Dutch television guide VPRO Gids, cover image about ‘cablecutting’.
For Elle eten (food) I made several collages of upcoming food trends, tools, addresses and heroes.
For (Dutch) Yoga Magazine. Accompanying letters sent by readers about grief and how yoga helped them cope with it.
Cover for Parool PS. ‘Spring’
For Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant. Aromatic spices in the kitchen.
The Dutch word for ‘fern frost’ is IJsbloem: Ice Flower. ( illustration initially made for an article about decreasing fertility).
Cover for the Dutch annual Statistics Yearbook (CBS Jaarboek 2014).
Cover for VPRO’s annual IDFA (International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam) special. Featuring its logo.
Third coverimage in a series of four for Parool Ps. Autumn.
One of a series of images made for de Volkskrant summer special about summer memories. This particular column was about regret for not having captured more imagery of the children while they were young/time fleeing.
Cover for the November music special in VPRO Gids. A festival featuring all kinds of music varying from elektro to improv.